Last Saturday I had the privilege to go to Anri’s (the girl
in the family I live with) dance recital. It was so great and I was so blessed
to get to see her and support something she loves and is good at!
I was thrilled to receive a couple of Christmas cards!!
Anri and I went shopping for Christmas Presents!
I showed the family what real American Marshmallow toasting is like!!
Sunday at church Miguel announced the Elders and Deacons for
the change of leadership. It was a really sweet time of getting to pray for
them and know who to continue to pray for!
After church I caught a ride to Auckland to fly out to Wellington.
Wellington is such a beautiful city and obsessed with the Hobbit. It is after
all where the studios are and Peter Jackson lives. I will just give you some
photos of some of the Hobbit stuff and sorry I didn’t take pictures of
everything there was just too much!
Gollum in the Airport (sorry for some reason this picture doesn't want to turn)
I went to the Weta Cave which is where the studios are and
where they make all the props. Becky (the pastors wife at CC Wellington) and I even
went on a workshop tour where they showed us all props from a lot of movies and
showed us how they were made. We were the only ones on the tour so the guys
gave us an extra long one. (Sorry we weren’t aloud to take pictures in there)
The Airport baggage claim!
Part of the week I ended up helping in the kids school. I
helped out with a field trip and helped in the kids classrooms with tiedye. I
also got to lead worship for their Tuesday night women’s bible study. The Pham
family is awesome. They were so welcoming and I loved getting to spend time
with them and getting to know them! I definitely look forward to going back and
spending more time with them.
The group on the field trip!
I'm pretty sure this is Rose Tyler's mom from Doctor Who she acted and looked so much like her :)
Women's bible study
On Tuesday night my friend Dwayne and I went to see the
opening night of the Hobbit! It was so good and we were so excited to see it
opening night in the city that it was made! I was rather disappointed that
there was only one person dressed up. I guess it’s more of an American thing?
Wednesday after staying up so late we slept in and did a
half day in the city. We walked along the water front and up Mount Victoria. It’s
a beautiful view from the top! We found a swing about half way down and were
able to swing basically over the city. Although Dwayne had to a tree and cut
down a branch that it was stuck in J
Thursday I spent almost the entire day in the Te Papa
museum. It was fascinating! There is so much in the museum and so much about
the history and culture of New Zealand. I feel like understand Maori culture a
little bit better!
Wellington is usually known as Windy Wellington as the wind there is usually CRAZY!!! but while i was there it was perfect beautiful weather! the Sun was out the sky's were clear blue and there was very little wind!
Auckland at night after I flew in!
Auckland in the morning before i caught the bus!
Saturday we had Zander's birthday party! He had a few boys over for a water fight!
Slip n slide down the hill!
The Sunset Saturday night was amazing! I wish you could really see the colors!!!
After Church yesterday I was able to meet up with some bible college students who are traveling around New Zealand for their summer break! I took them to the waterfall and to the town basin! It was really fun getting to show people the city that I live in and some of my favorite things here!
Please pray for the Pham’s as their visa expires at the end
of January and they have not been approved for a new visa or permanent
residency yet. Pray that the Lord would lead them as they still feel called to
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