Is it just me or does time seem to be speeding up? I feel
like every week passes so quickly I barely have time to realize it’s a new week
and then it’s over.
The Lord is doing so much in my heart and in my life in New
Zealand it’s hard to believe I wasn’t planning to come here! Working at the
SPCA has been great. I love all the people I work with and am so blessed to get
to play with puppies. I am falling in love with all the pups there and would love
to take each of them home. It has been great getting to talk with the other
workers about the Lord and church as well. Please join me in praying for more
opportunities to share the Lord.
The church is going great and I am enjoying building deeper relationships
with all the families. It’s really hard to think about going back to the states
and leaving all of these amazing people. I can hardly believe my year is
getting close to being over. But I still have a few months so I am making the
most of every day. I don’t want to miss any opportunity to share the Lord or to
be a part of the lives here.
loving coaching basketball
Church last sunday
On another note I didn’t get to update before on my adventures
of being shoeless. I spent the first 2 weeks of May barefoot. It was really
weird at first but the longer I went the more normal it became. The Lord really
showed me the abundance of what we have and how little others had. It also gave
me greater compassion for people that don’t have enough to buy new clothes when
they want or have their basic needs met. I will be praying for them more! My
feet grew somewhat callous to the ground and I even got used to stepping in
chicken poo and sheep poo.
The winter is definitely here! It has been so cold the last
few nights I put extra layers of clothes on to go to bed and an extra blanket.
Plus my hot water bottle has been a life saver!!! I never realized how much I love
the heater in my parent’s house. Without heaters here and poor insulation it is
so cold. I am looking forward to visiting CA while it is summer and warm!
I am just trying to enjoy every day that I have here and
learn from the Lord everything that I can. I pray that I can go back to the
states and continue to live making every day count. It is really our attitude
that makes the day what it is. If we purpose that the day is going to be a good
day and look on the positive side then our day truly will be blessed. On the
other hand if we have a bad attitude then our day will suck! Choose to see the
bright side of today!
I am also so excited to be able to go to Tonga and Australia
before moving back to the states! I will be going to Australia in September for
about 2 weeks and then to Tonga with a team from our church for a week and a
half in October. Please pray the Lord continues to provide financially for both
Watched Anri play Netball
Played with bees with Dwayne a little freaky but fun!
Finding the Queen
Ellen's Goat!
I don't know if I will ever get used to seeing all the American Cities (especially California) on clothing and things here! Seriously every store has it!!
I am praying for a new place to live here in New Zealand
from July to September. Please pray that the Lord opens the door for the right