Thank you to everyone who has prayed that The Lord would provide me with a car! I now have a car it was a little more than I planned on spending on one but it seems to be a really good car in great condition. It is also quite large so it will be no problem fitting my guitar and other stuff in it!
Please continue to pray that there are no problems with it and it will run faithfully for at least the next 10 months :)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Learning to be Thankful in everything
Wow this last week was amazing to see the Lord work and to
just enjoy His presence. I am learning to just enjoy him every day and to rest
continually on His unfailing love.

Last week was a difficult one for me for many reasons. I
found myself getting incredible restless as we had terrible weather with rain
all day every day. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and stay in bed.
Another reason it was difficult was because my family was all camping back home
for thanksgiving. This was the first thanksgiving I was away from my family and
it was difficult not to be with them. However a few families got together here
to celebrate thanksgiving complete with all the food and pies. I even made the
apple pies and pumpkin pies J
Thankfully I was able to “hangout” with my family and
friends for thanksgiving. My dad set the computer with me on it on the table
while they ate. It was great to be able to talk with and see my grandparents
who I haven’t talked with since August. Also my friend John just got back from
the army after being stationed in Germany! It was great to see his face and for
him to be home.
Friday I had the amazing opportunity to lead worship for a
thanksgiving worship night. One of the men at our church had it on his heart to
just have a night of worship and thanksgiving to the Lord and he asked me to
lead worship for it. It was mostly older people that only know hymns but it was
really cool to get to worship with them and see their hearts for the Lord.
Friday we also made slings for a teen mum's ministry we do. They turned out so cute!
Saturday the weather
finally cleared up and we were able to go outside so we walked down to the town
basin where they had the first art market of the season! It was great to see
all the local art. It was beautiful and
so nice to be outside for a change.
Sunday was church and this week I was super blessed. I feel
like the last few weeks the Lord has really been speaking to me about the
church and His purposes for me being here. I was so blessed to worship with
them and really see the Lord moving! After church my friend Ellen and I went to
her brother’s place to shoot some guns. Let’s just leave it at we had a really
good time J
Last Thursday I met this girl Amy at our thanksgiving service.
She used to go to Calvary Whangarei and has recently been coming back. Today I
went on a walk with her to get to know her better. It was great to talk and
hangout and I am excited to see what the Lord does in her. She definitely has a
great heart and I know the Lord has amazing plans.
Still no car but I know the Lord it under control!
Next week I will be going to the Calvary Chapel Church Workers Conference in Raglan. I am super excited as I will get to see afew people from back home including a team of high school students from CCCM. Please pray for safe travels for the team!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Fun week
This week has been an interesting one to say the least. I am now finally adjusting to this family and the house. I love the time I get to spend with this family and getting to know them better. I really feel like I fit a lot better with this family.
It is hard to be away from my family this week as they are
camping and having a fun family time for thanksgiving. I know that this is
where I am supposed to be but it’s always hard to be away for holidays!
I did do some fun stuff last week. I went spelunking in
abbey caves. That was really fun although I did not realize we would be getting
as wet as we did. I was in water up to my waste for a few parts of it and we
saw eels in the water on the way out of the cave so that freaked me out a bit.
We also saw glow worms in the cave which was really cool!
Tuesday we woke up to a beautiful day and decided we needed
to take advantage of the sun and head for the beach. We went to Ruakaka beach. This
beach is beautiful!!! We even watched skydivers land right on the beach!
On Wednesday we watched the solar eclipse that I didn’t even
know was planned to happen. I also took the family geocaching for the first
time. Zander the little boy loved it and keeps asking if we can go find more
treasures. I plan to take them more since there are so many around here and it’s
an excuse to get to go.
On Saturday a few friends and I got up at 4am to hike Mount
Mania for sunrise. From the top you have almost a 360 degree view. It was
beautiful although it was cloudy so we didn’t see the sunrise like we could
have if it was clear. Then we went out to Dwayne’s house and shot some guns
which is always fun!
Monday night for girls club we had a Hawaiian night. Ka’u a
student for Azusa Pacific is over here for
a few months and she taught us all the a hula. It was really fun to
watch the girls get involved and see Ka’u share about worshiping the Lord through
dance. On the way home we saw a house all lit up for Christmas! We had to stop
and take pictures!
Drove to the top of Parihaka to see the city lights
Taught the girls how to make daisy chains!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Wow the Lord is really doing something
amazing here and in my life. So much has changed and happened in the last few
I moved in with a new family. Well back to
the house that I first was living in house sitting but now I am with the family
here. They are from South Africa and are lovely! So far I feel very comfortable
here and feel a lot more at home. They made a room for me and it is beautiful.
I am much closer to town (walking distance) so that is going to make things
here a lot easier. I am still praying for a car but for the time being it will
be much better to be close to town. Now if I could just learn AfrikaansI would
be able to understand them better J
Also on Friday I had a talk with Miguel and
his wife Claudia. They feel the Lord is moving them back to America in January.
They bought tickets and will be leaving New Zealand January 18th.
This is huge for the church and for me. The Lord has risen up one of the men in
the church to take over as pastor which is amazing. They have asked me to stay
and continue with worship. I feel like the Lord is telling me to stay right
here in Whangarei, which is going to be difficult. Thankfully the lord has
allowed me to make relationships with quite a few families here and I know that
He will continue to provide for me.
Before I left home I had an interesting
conversation with Dylan (my pastor at roots) about coming to NZ and what the
Lord was going to do. He said one thing before I left that has been on my mind
since I arrived here and is know something the Lord keeps speaking to me. He
said, “What if the Lord is bringing you to New Zealand to help the church
transition if Miguel leaves?” A few years ago we went through a major
transition for our church and had to learn how to deal and work in a church.
Since I have already been through a transition and seen the Lord work I believe
he has called me for this.
I really do see His purpose in me coming to
New Zealand and I am excited to see what He is going to do through this church
body! It was amazing to see the people stand beside him and support his
decision to leave and also commit to standing beside the new pastor and support
him as pastor of the church.
Please pray for Miguel and his family as
they make this move. Especially pray for each of the children as they leave
their friends and home.
Please pray for Paul and Sharon the pastor
that will be taking over.
Please pray for guidance and direction for
me here without the Miguel and his family
Please continue to pray that the Lord
provides a car for me.
Pictures, pictures, and more pictures!
Here are a ton of pictures trying to catch up on them :)
dressing up for CHEW
Climbing on the side of the rocks at the beach
True Kiwi Style
Ellen in a tree
Clare at her baby shower
Sunset while fishing
Country/ folk music night at the Foote's house
My new room!!!
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